
Ibuprofen- Pharmacology, popular brands and uses

Ibuprofen is an Analgesics, Antipyretics, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug. NSAIDs are a collective class of compounds widely used in several different types of indications. The drugs under this class have effects ranging from analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protection, with varying levels of effectiveness. These are one of the most commonly available OTC (over the counter) drugs.

The most common of them include paracetamoldiclofenac, and aspirin. They are sometimes, also referred to as non- narcotic, non-opioid, or aspirin-like analgesics.

Category of DrugIbuprofen is an Analgesics, Antipyretics, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Mechanism of ActionIbuprofen is a non-selective COX inhibitor. It inhibits the activity of both COX-1 and COX-2. The inhibition of COX-2 activity (1) decreases the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in mediating inflammation, pain, fever, and swelling. In contrast, COX-1 inhibition cause some of the side effects of ibuprofen, including GI ulceration.
IndicationsIbuprofen is used for
1. Pain and inflammation in rheumatic disease
and other musculoskeletal disorders
2. Mild to moderate pain including dysmenorrhoeal pain, headache
3. Pain in children
4. Acute migraine attack.
Structure Thumb
Molecular Details (2)Molecular Weight- 206.28 g/mol
Chemical Formula- C13H18O2
IUPAC Name2-[4-(2-methyl propyl)phenyl]propanoic acid
Well Known
Pharmaceutical Brands
Brufen Tablets 600mg 3X12's — DVAGO
Available dosage forms1. TABLETS
DoseAdults- initially 300 to m400 mg 3 to 4 times daily
Children: 5-10 mg/kg 3 to 4 times/day (Maximum daily dose: 40 mg/kg/day)
Contraindications1. Hypersensitivity
2. Active peptic ulceration
3. For the treatment of preoperative pain in the
the setting of coronary artery bypass graft surgery
4. Neonates with congenital heart disease.
Pharmacokinetic Properties 1. peak serum concentration-1 to 2 hours
2. volume of distribution – 0.1 L/kg
3.  99% bound to plasma proteins
4. rapidly metabolized and biotransformed in the major metabolites
5. The serum half-life- 1.2-2 hours
6. clearance rate-3-13 L/h
7. eliminated in the urine – more than 90%
Precautions 1. Renal and hepatic impairment
2. Preferably avoid if the history of peptic ulceration
3. Cardiac disease
4. Elderly
5. Pregnancy
6. lactation
7. Coagulation defects
8. Allergic disorders
Adverse Effects1.  Gastrointestinal disturbances
2. Hypersensitivity reactions
3. bronchospasm
4. Headache
5. Dizziness
6. Nervousness
7. Depression
8. Drowsiness
9. Insomnia
10. Vertigo
11. Tinnitus
12. Photosensitivity
Pregnancy Category C


  1. National Formulary
  2. NSAIDs: Pain Relief, Classification, Uses
  3. Analgesic Brands: popular analgesics for Pain Relief

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