Have you ever thought about writing an article, maybe academic or industry-related? You probably have many times. But even if you haven’t, it is the right time to march ahead. So, what is content writing, and How can I learn the skill of Pharmaceutical Content Writing?
Let us begin.
- Content writing is all about story-telling-
We all are biologically wired for stories, be it was from our grandparents or famous books like-Panchtantra, Malgudi Days, Amarchitrakatha, to mention a few.
Do you think of any other job better than telling a story? A faculty always receives a greater attention span if he/she can narrate contents in story formats. So, technically, our job is to tell stories, keeping the soul of contents intact
2. Power to people
Don’t we tailormade our session flow? We may have people from different backgrounds, and it is critical to offer glimpses so that everyone is reached. Ultimately, the goal is to disseminate knowledge and to make people more powerful.
3. Translating experiences to stories
Your interactions draw you closer to real-life challenges. May it be the ability to grasp, interpret, and implement.
Since you understand concerns, writing helps you to address these challenges constructively.
4. Adding value to the professional world
Sometimes you may find yourself confined to the limited folks. Now the time is to move out of these restrictions and discover a broader audience. content writing allows you to share your voice across boundaries.
Pharmaceutical Content Writing: “What Should I consider to Write About?”
Step #1: Identify the most talked about topics
These could be certain concepts, frequently asked questions relating to a subject, a particular topic like the scope of molecular biology, industry-related articles, awareness programs, etc.
All you need to pick a theme relating to these pressing issues and build your story around it.
Step #2: What is our reader expected to learn from this topic?
Let us define the scope. Is it to make the audience aware of the concept or describe it in detail? Having our writing objective is core to content writing. For example, the learning objective for a topic like ‘aseptic techniques’; could be different at diploma, degree, and PG level.
Step #3: Build a story around ‘What a Reader Want?’
When you go for the ‘reader-centric’ approach, extraordinary things begin to happen.
So, focus on the requirement of your reader, rather than yours. E.g., If your scope is only to make people aware of the aseptic techniques, you can briefly explain those rather than covering in detail.
When you are reading this article, the objective is to encourage you to explore pharmaceutical content writing.
Remember the Golden Rules
“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”― John Steinbeck
“As a writer, you should not judge; you should understand.”― Ernest Hemingway
“A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.”― Friedrich Nietzsche
“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly — they’ll go through anything. You read, and you’re pierced.”–Aldous Huxley
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”— Louis L’Amour
Quotes courtesy : Goodreads Quotes
The practice is the key to success
Spend fifteen minutes to analyze the topic of your choice or a problem you want to address. Write something meaningful today.
How to start? Right now, you can give your feedback in the comment section. Do not forget to provide feedback to other comments on this post.
Let the creative juices flow!
Pharmaceutical Content Writing: Points to remember
- It is for the pharmaceutical domain you are contributing to. Be simple, objective-oriented, construct the framework, build your story, circulate, and get the feedback.
- The topic should be important to the reader, either a concern: the generally classified ‘hard topics’ by the reader.
- A concern. e.g., How the faculties can keep students engaged on a virtual platform?
- A Solution, your reader, is looking forward to a problem. E.g., a step-wise guide to career planning.
PharmaCampus- Your Publication Tool
Do you know that PharmaCampus offers you a platform to publish and promote your contents online? How can you get visibility on this platform?
Choose the topic of your choice and email us your contents at pharmacampus.in@gmail.com. Ensure to share the following details:
- Name
- Contact number
- email ID
- Phone Number
- The institution you are associated with
- Designation
- Photo
- Brief profile
Our expert team would assess your content and publish the same on our platform.
What are the charges of publication? This is absolutely free.
What are you waiting for then? Contribute either an academic topic, industry-related write-up, a fully built-in course (private- for your students or public-which anyone can join), or any of the students’ concerns.
Pharmaceutical Content Writing: Some Sample posts
- Important Terms used in Pharmacology
- Top 30 Pharmacy Colleges from Pune
- Abbott India: Brief Overview and popular brands
- Which are the popular medicines prescribed for viral infections?
- Emulsions: O/W and W/O Types of emulsion
- What is the Digestive System?
About the author of this article
Ms. Ketaki Ghatole
- Work experience- 18 years
- Domains- Pharma, Healthcare, and Academics
- Email ID- ketaki.pharmacampus@gmail.com
- She is the founder-director of Niruja HealthTech and PharmaCampus- India’s first Digital Learning Initiative for Pharmacy Graduates and Professionals.
- Her professional experience comprises working in the pharmaceutical and higher education industry.
- She majorly worked in sales and marketing departments of reputed Pharma Companies and handled various projects ranging from new product launches, competitor analysis, restructuring of divisions, therapy, and segment management.
- She has a strong educational and professional background, interacted, and trained 1000+ MBA professionals (including Pharma MBA) so far.
- Check her profile here