
Methotrexate- Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, ADRs

Category of Drug Methotrexate is Immunosuppressives Drug
Mechanism of Action 
Indications Methotrexate is used for
1. Carcinoma of the breast
2. Head and neck and lung
3. Trophoblastic tumours
4. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
5. Meningeal leukaemia
6. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
7. Advanced cases of mycosis fungoides
8. Non-metastatic osteosarcoma
9. Severe rheumatoid arthritis
Well Known
Pharmaceutical Brands
Available dosage forms 1. TABLETS
4. GEL
Contraindications 1. Severe renal and hepatic impairment
2. Alcohol liver disease
3. Severe leucopenia
4. Thrombocytopenia
5. Pregnancy
6. Lactation
Precautions1. Bone marrow depression
2. Renal
3. Hepatic impairment
4. Interactions
Adverse Effects1. CNS toxicity
2. Stomatitis
3. Hepatobiliary disorder
4. Fatigue
Pregnancy Category X

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