
Diazepam- Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, ADRs

Category of Drug Diazepam is a drug for Anaesthesia
Mechanism of Action 
Indications Diazepam is used for
1. Premedication before major or minor surgeries
2. Sedation with amnesia for
endoscopic procedures and surgeries under local anaesthesia
3. Emergency reduction of
4. Epilepsy
5. Anxiety disorders
Well Known
Pharmaceutical Brands
Available dosage forms 1. TABLETS
Contraindications 1. Central nervous system depression or coma
2. Shock
3. Respiratory depression
4. Acute pulmonary insufficiency
5. Acute narrow-angle glaucoma
6. Sleep apnoea
7. Acute alcohol intoxication
8. Severe hepatic
Precautions 1. Respiratory disease
2. Muscle weakness
3. History of alcohol or drug abuse
4. Marked personality disorder
5. Elderly or debilitated
6. Hepatic impairment
7. Renal failure
8. lactation
9. Interactions
Adverse Effects1. Central nervous system
2. Sedation
3. Confusion
4. Amnesia
5. Vertigo and ataxia
6. Hypotension
7. Bradycardia
8. Excitability
Pregnancy Category D

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