Silver Sulfadiazine

Silver Sulfadiazine- Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, ADRs

Category of DrugSilver Sulfadiazine- Dermatological Drugs
Mechanism of Action 
Indications Silver Sulfadiazine- Dermatological Drugs are used for
1. Prophylaxis and treatment of infection in burns
Well Known
Pharmaceutical Brands
Available dosage formsCREAM 
Contraindications1. Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides
2. Neonates
3. Premature infants
Precautions1. Renal or hepatic impairment
2. G-6-PD deficiency
3. Lactation
4. Monitor serum sulphadiazine concentration and check urine for sulpha crystals
5. Pregnancy
Adverse Effects1. Allergic reactions
2. Sulfonamide- induced systemic toxicity
3. Including blood disorders following application to large areas or prolonged use
4. Transient leukopenia
5. Skin necrosis
6. Skin discolouration
Pregnancy Category B

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