
Atropine-Antidote-Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, ADRs

Category of Drug Atropine-Antidote is Antidotes and Substances Used in Poisoning.
Mechanism of Action 
Indications Atropine-Antidote is used for
1. Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning
2. Premedication
3. Antispasmodic
4. Asmydriac
5. Cycloplegic refraction procedures
Well Known
Pharmaceutical Brands
Available dosage forms INJECTION
Contraindications 1. In myasthenia gravis
2. Paralytic ileus
3. Pyloric stenosis and prostac enlargement
4. Reflux oesophagitis
5. Unstable cardiac rhythm
Precautions1. Elderly
2. Down syndrome
3. Angle-closure glaucoma
4. Myasthenia gravis
5. Prostatic enlargement
6. Pyrexia
7. Lactation
8. Interactions
9. Pregnancy
Adverse Effects1. Conspation
2. Transient bradycardia
3. Reduced bronchial secreons
4. Urinary urgency and retention
5. Dilataon of the pupils with
loss of accommodaon
6. Photophobia
7. Dry mouth
8. Flushing and dryness of the skin
9. Confusion
Pregnancy Category C

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